Virtual coworking Productivity Accountability Alison Randle MSc as a qualified coach supports home based  purpose focused business owners  to work sustainably

Purpose focused?  Mainly Home based?  Often Solo working?  Do what you do to make a difference?


I love empowering purpose-driven individuals so they can create & enjoy sustainable success & meaningful connections
I am an expert in development management. My mission is to help you unlock your full potential so you can work well

When you act, there are ripples of benefits.

Prioritise time to get things done, well

Work with me

One-to-One Coaching

Got a gnarly issue? Need some clarity? Want some coaching with Alison? A course? Or a single session?

Helping people get clarity is what she does...

Expect to spend just enough time explaining the context of the situation, before being encouraged to explore factors, influences, origins and alternatives. Alison brings her systems thinking approach to these sessions.
Access your clarity
Do to Be Community

Get your stuff done in great company!

The things that usually get shoved to one side, the projects you want to complete in 2023, and all those little business admin tasks....
  • weekly virtual coworking (Tues 9-12)
  • weekly virtual meetup session  
  • monthly member showcase
  • monthly training 
  • priority booking & preferential rates on CWC products and offers
DO to BE Community
 Do to Be Retreats
Fiercely prioritise you and your work!

A creative productivity retreat at a spa hotel, in a stunning location, designed to give you a balance of getting stuff done, and nurturing & replenishment, in great company (with fab food). Places are limited to maximise results.

Dates to be announced 

Interested? Hit the button to join the priority booking list.
Join the priority list

PAYG Coworking Tuesday Sessions - facilitated space to get stuff done

Feeling pressured and frazzled? Spinning too many plates? Desperately seeking peace and quiet to get on with things?

Gift yourself facilitated time and space to get on with working ON your business, or the project that always gets shoved out of the way by client stuff. Or maybe it's the client communications and admin you need to sort out?

Whatever it is, bring it, do it and celebrate in good company... what could £15 for a session be worth to you & your clients?

The gift of virtual coworking space

 I'm Alison Randle

I'm an alternative thinker and generous encourager; 
a lifelong learner, always keen to explore the art of the possible.

For me, fulfilment is seeing others thrive

Since 2020 I have been working with solopreneurs and small businesses, adding them to my development management specialist mix. It is the intention and the difference that people make for people, places or species that interests me, rather than the specific sector where they operate.

I set up Smart Prospects in 2001 and offer training & coaching for people and research & consultancy for organisations in the not-for-profit sector using development management, project planning & management, community development, facilitation and coaching methodologies. I love the variety.

I've been working with purpose driven people to help them bring their ideas into reality for over twenty years and in that time I have come to realise that creating sustainable change depends on vitality and working well. Fundamentally, creating that vitality requires three components:

purpose  |  capacity   |  connection

Why do you want to do what you want to do? Who is going to benefit from whatever you are about to do? What difference will it make? What is slowing you down? Do you make time for your own projects and development work, or is your time demanded by other people's project work, admin and priorities?

I've been there. I've also been buffeted by life, including being brought to a standstill by PTSD. I have had to find ways of getting back into motion - back into balancing responsive work with progressive work; their work and my work. I love working with people, and learning, and creating.

Free Resources

The  Purposeful Community Workbook

Want to forge a vibrant and supportive circle of community, the one that's just right for you, now?

This transformative resource will guide you on your way

Better Goal Setting

  • Want to get more done, more effectively? 
  • Need greater clarity about what needs to be achieved?
  • Try this free guide and workbook. that's designed to help you to take more confident action to make a difference for the people, places or species you care about.
"The magic of Do to Be Tuesday sessions is that it allows me to get my focus back.

Even after a bank holiday weekend, when I am unsure as to what I need to get back to, having a place to go and do just that is very empowering.

Even before the most recent session I sat down and wrote a couple of notes about what I wanted to get done and went to the session prepared. If I had been left to my own devices, I would have probably procrasti-faffed.

A lot of it is about getting your head on straight which is easier done in an office environment with other people around you. And you just don’t get that as a solopreneur."
Michelle Thomas, The Happy Business Club Ltd 
"I've known Alison a long time so can speak to her depth, insight and general warmth as a person. Recently I've had the privilege of being coached by Alison as I start my charity consultancy business. She has real excitement for drawing out key themes, passions and ideas. She understands people. She connects the dots between people's thoughts, their subconscious thoughts, client behaviour, books that can help, methodologies that can help, people that can help. She also understands the issues women face in the workplace. 

Alison has a passion for making systems, such as the Third Sector as a whole, work better. 

My confidence has grown, I've gained some key understanding, and have greater motivation.

I recommend seeing Alison for coaching and/or for consulting  to help your organisation - she clearly has solid expertise in the areas she consults in such as Systems Thinking, professional relationships and networks.

Alison is full of ideas and recommendations. If you're stuck about where to go next, she will help you find your way."
Beth Manship 
"Alison has a wealth of knowledge and useful contacts in the charity sector. 

Within a few minutes of talking through the issues with me,  she was able to unravel complex structures and show me exactly what we needed. Her '100 reasons' technique was really useful to help the committee start to explore the reasons our organisation needs to exist. 

Alison is friendly, approachable, generous and really knows her stuff - if you want to get a new organisation running or need to fine-tune your trustee practices, I wouldn't hesitate in recommending her! "
 Ann Charles
"Alison visited to advise our team on CASC status and various other aspects of club development in our rural setting. 

I found her approach very refreshing. She listened sensitively to the background information presented to her, and helped us to understand the regulatory context and environment that any potential changes would involve. 

She was candid and clear, which meant that the best course of action was quickly agreed upon. She was adept at handling questions and challenges which came up from us during the visit. 

I felt that she would be well placed to help us pursue to completion whichever course of action we decided on. Highly recommended."
Sarah Platt
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